Pittsburgh Commercial Sewer Repairs

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In Pittsburgh Commercial Sewer Repair Options Are Expanding

The big problem with diagnosing sewer problems is that so much of what makes up a sewer system is buried underground. So for most home and business owners, it isn’t until the problem makes its way up to the surface that they realize they have an issue that needs to be addressed.

Now there are exceptions but keep in mind that even a clog in a sewer line can go unnoticed until the sewage is backed up and spilling over inside a building, either on a floor drain or in toilets. One thing is for sure, though, and that is as building repair issues go, typically in Pittsburgh commercial sewer repair problems are not cheap to remedy.

What Are the Early Signs Of Sewer Problems?

Just like so many other problems that can come your way in life, early diagnosis of sewer problems can have a significant impact on the cost and expediency of the remedy. Particularly regarding sewer problems, in a commercial setting, having a properly functioning sewer system is imperative because waiting until the problem rears its head above ground can mean shutting your business down.

So one of the first early signs to be on the lookout for is slow drainage. That would be a floor drain that is beginning to backup or toilets that are having problems clearing as quickly as they had in the past.

Then another telltale sign to be on the lookout for is foul-smelling damp areas with excessive plant growth outside a home or commercial building.

What About DIY Sewer Repair?

Given the high cost of sewer repair, and particularly commercial sewer repair, is the DIY sewer repair option viable? The simple answer here is no, it’s not, and this is for one very good reason and one reason only. That reason is that you are dealing with raw sewage.

So even if you or your help is capable of digging down into and dismantling components of a commercial sewer system, once you get there, your problems will expand exponentially.

The sanitation, contamination, and resulting health risks are all too real. The risk of infection or becoming seriously ill is undeniable, but there’s something else to consider.

That something is that raw sewage is classified as hazardous waste. That means that you just can’t load it into the back of your truck and haul it away to the local landfill because to do so would result in serious legal ramifications.

Why the Big Buzz About Trenchless Sewer Repair?

If you haven’t yet heard about tranchulas sewer repair, then you need to take the time to learn as much as you can about it. This is because it is the future that has arrived today.

In Pittsburgh trenchless sewer repair now does away with the need for all the surface damage to landscaping, driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc., that have always come along with commercial sewer repair projects.

It was always just been accepted that to reach the source of the problem, everything in the way had to be demolished. But now, thanks to trenchless sewer repair systems, all that costly devastation is no longer required.

So trenchless sewer repair is just what it sounds like, in that the repairs are done without having to dig a trench.

What’s New In Pittsburgh Commercial Line Sewer Inspection?

The answer to this question is simple and to the point. This is that new technological advancements that have revolutionized so many other aspects of the society that we live in have not bypassed commercial sewer line inspection in Pittsburgh.

Miniaturized video is now paired with advanced developments in micro-robotics that allow today’s sewer inspection professionals to see further in more detail without having to remove so much as one shovelful of dirt.

New advancements in ground-penetrating sonar and moisture content detection and measurement technologies are also less intrusive, faster, and more detailed. All things that matter a lot in a commercial setting. At the same time, it also means that commercial sewer inspection in Pittsburgh is far so much more affordable.

How Is Trenchless Sewer Repair Even Possible?

New developments in polymers, plastics, and rubberized bitumen-derived products all combine to make trenchless sewer repair possible. So now, a degraded commercial sewer line that in the past would have to be dug up and scrapped can now remain in place and function as a sleeve for a new inner lining.

Not just any inner lining, though, but rather a durable, long-lasting lining that breathes decades of new life into damaged drainage lines. A good analogy would be a tubeless tire on a car that has been damaged, but rather than being scrapped, it’s getting a new lease on an extended service life by installing an innertube inside than inflating it.

Is Trenchless Sewer Repair Expensive To Have Done?

The answer to this question is difficult to put your finger on. This is because so much depends on the value of what is above ground that no longer has to be destroyed.

So, for instance, if a trenchless system allows a sewer line that runs under a driveway to be repaired without having to so much as touch the driveway itself, that savings is, of course, substantial. So, upon first glance, it might be cheaper to bring in a concrete saw and a backhoe to excavate a trench and lay in a new sewer line using conventional methods; once the cost of installing a new driveway is factored in, the final figure obviously becomes much more significant.

Also, because trenchless sewer repair eliminates excavation, accessing sewer lines deep below ground also becomes less costly.

Is Conventional Commercial Sewer Repair In Pittsburgh On Its Way Out?

The simple answer to this question is no; it’s not. Time-tested and proven conventional commercial sewer repair techniques and technologies will always be available, even as trenchless and even more advanced systems and products are developed and introduced.

So you can still bring in a backhoe to dig a trench and have a standard sewer line installed. Particularly in new construction, this will always be the case. So the trenchless option comes into play for repairs on sewer lines that in the past would have been difficult or costly to access.