In Pittsburgh Water Leak Problems Are All Too Common
Some last longer than others but all pipes, in general, have a service life. That is the lifespan that a plumbing system can be expected to give reasonably trouble-free service. Then after that time is up, they begin a slow, gradual decline.
In Pittsburgh water leak problems are the standard indicator that their time is coming to an end. It’s not just age either because, in Pittsburgh, water leak problems are facilitated by the hard water that this city is well known for.
The term hard water refers to water that contains a high level of dissolved minerals, with calcium in the form of calcite being the most prevalent. It leached out of the rocks in the ground, and over time, it does an outstanding job of building up in faucets and relief valves, then interferes with their function by preventing them from closing all the way.
So Just How Bad Is a Water Leak?
The simple answer to the question of how bad is a water leak, is that some are worse than others, with some being really bad. For example, iron and steel pipes, because they are ferrous metal, are highly vulnerable to rust issues. On the inside, rust nodules build up over time then inhibit water flow, down to the point where only a slight drizzle comes out of a faucet. Then when turned off, faucets leak because of the calcite deposits.
That type of water leak you may have already found yourself living with over a relatively long time. Iron pipes can also develop small pinhole leaks underground that can go unnoticed for decades.
But the pipe that develops a leak inside a home, in a wall, or up in an attic can be really bad. It’s the water damage from this type of leak that it makes it so bad. Water damage in the form of dry rot or, worse yet, toxic mold.
What Causes a Water Leak?
It turns out that there are a few common causes of water leaking at home, with the first one being age. As stated above, over several decades, all pipes begin to age out and towards the end show their age by developing water leaks.
Freezing weather is one of the most common sources of leaks, but it’s obviously seasonal. When temperatures below freezing are forecast, water pipes that are exposed need to be drained.
The reason for that is as water freezes, it expands, and it’s this expansion that causes frozen pipes to crack. Then less common but still seen cause of water leaks is screws and nails driven through copper piping while installing sheetrock or occasionally even hanging wall art. Then, of course, as stated above, rust will eventually find its way through an iron or steel pipe and cause pinhole leaks.
How Much Does Fixing a Water Leak Cost?
Once a home or business owner discovers that they have a water leak, generally, the first question that they ask is how much does fixing a water leak cost? Most plumbing companies charge by the hour, and they can tell you their hourly rate over the phone.
But make no mistake about it, the answer to the question of how much does fixing a water leak cost, involves more than just the damage to the pipe where the leak is coming from.
Often the more significant expense of fixing a water leak comes from repairing the water damage that’s been done to a home or building. Toxic black mold means that all sheetrock that has been contaminated needs to be removed, and even though you can’t see it on a surface, it’s often found growing inside the wall on the backside of sheetrock. Then there is damage to hardwood flooring that is often a big chunk of the repair project after a leak has been stopped.
When Should You Call a Professional For Water Leak Repair?
The answer to the question of when should you call a professional for water leak repair, really revolves around how bad the leak is and where it’s located. So if it’s a leaky irrigation line somewhere out in your yard, it can probably be tolerated for some time.
But in Pittsburgh water leak problems often develop inside of older homes because there are so many of them that were plumbed with iron and steel pipes. Today copper is the preferred choice when selecting pipes to plumb a house with, but in decades past, this wasn’t always the case.
So generally speaking, if a water leak develops inside a home, the time to call in a professional for water leak repair is as soon as possible before the damage to the house becomes extensive.
What Can You Do to Temporarily Fix a Water Leak?
Emergency repair services are offered 24 hours a day but you will pay a premium to have a Pittsburgh plumber get out of bed and come out to repair your water leak off hours.
So there are a few good options available to temporarily fix a water leak. The first option is also the fastest and easiest, and that is to go outside, locate the main water valve, and turn it off.
If you don’t know where the main water valve is for your home or commercial building, you need to find it and make a note of remembering it or marking it.
This is because it can really save you if an interior water pipe were to develop a catastrophic leak.
The next thing you can do to temporarily fix a water leak is to go down to your local hardware store and talk to the clerk in the plumbing aisle about your problem. He will be able to direct you to what solves your problem the best.
What Should You Look For When Hiring a Plumber In Pittsburgh?
This last question is a good one because, just like people, no two plumbers are alike. The last thing you need is problems being directed your way by a shady or unqualified plumber while you’re dealing with a water leak.
So the first thing you should look for when hiring a plumber in Pittsburgh is if they have an established decent website. Anyone can call themselves a plumber then place an ad online or some type of signage on the door of their truck.
Then when things go bad, and the customer complaints build up, they simply change their phone number and then take out a new ad to start over again.
But when a Pittsburgh plumber is licensed, bonded, and insured and then invests their resources into developing a quality website, that’s different because those all point to a permanent commitment.